Kicked your coke habit this year? Or just switched to crack (it's cheaper!) Got a big promotion because your boss died? Didn't get pregnant or arrested? Only got a little pregnant? CELEBRATE with Philosophy's Celebrate set -- three deeeeeeerisheshry scented bottles of Lavender, Pink Bubbly, and Pomegranate 3-in-1 washes. They do a body good!
Happy new year, everyone, from all (two) of us at FashionBinge to all (three to four!) of you out there!
And stay tuned for some SUPER suhweeeeeeet giveaways comin' up this monf!
More Sephora gift card suggestions:
+ Hourglass Concealer
+ Smashbox's Rapture Gloss Set!
Happy new year, everyone, from all (two) of us at FashionBinge to all (three to four!) of you out there!
And stay tuned for some SUPER suhweeeeeeet giveaways comin' up this monf!
More Sephora gift card suggestions:
+ Hourglass Concealer
+ Smashbox's Rapture Gloss Set!