Just a quick note to let everyone know that I am still alive. I've just had a fantastic long weekend in the southernest city in provence, Hyeres where I was fortunate enough to visit the festival, I even got to have a long conversation with the Sartorialist. I am pretty tired still and want to save my postings until I can actually write again but this is a teaser. Apologies that I'm so late but what can I say...I'm lazy.
A human recreation of snakes. Visit http://www.get-out-and-play.com to play a human version of breakout (bricks, arkanoid), watch the behind the scenes clip and learn more.
Johan Lorbeer is a German street performer. He became famous in the past few years because of his “Still-Life” Performances, which took place in the public area. His installations includes “Proletarian Mural” and “Tarzan”, which are famous in Germany. Several of these performances feature Lorbeer in an apparently impossible position.
With his still-life performances, this German artist seems to unhinge the laws of gravity. For hours on time, he remains, as a living work of art, in physically impossible positions. Elevated or reduced to the state of a sculpture, he interacts with the bewildered and irritated audience, whose appetite for communication rises as time goes by, often culminating in the wish to touch the artist in his superhuman, angelic appearance in order to participate in his abilities.
Is it magic or does Johan really have superhuman ability? Check out Johan’s little secret at the end of the page.
Secret of Johan Lorbeer Still-Life Performance Tarzan: Here’s a little clue on the trick; His arm is the supporting bar, and his real arm is hide inside his cloth.