They're a little low, but I like the tight-in-the-butt, slightly-flared-but-not-too-much-so trouser cut.
($198, Sass & Bide, RevolveClothing.com)

So, these are technically more bootcut, but they're still a cute dressy-jean staple, though WAY too short for these heels.
($220, William Rast, DJPremium.com)

Much as I LOATHE Justin Trousersnake (Ugh! That smarmy shit-eating grin he's always wearing!), I do really like William Rast jeans, despite myself. Though I will say, I do have a pair that only fit like, when I wore them in the dressing room and never stretched and I can barely squeeze into them. Bew. I take back what I said.
($198, Hudson, WinkNYC.com)

These look so deliciously comfy!! Perfect for slooooouuuuuccchy, chill weekend wear, with flats, 'natch.
($34.50, Paris Blues, Alloy.com)

I posted these a few weeks back, and I bought 'em, and GUESS WHAT -- they're fucking ADORABLE. They're a little darker than they appear here. Anyway, they're so comfy and cute. They're still at the tailor though getting taken up because, of course, they're too long, but for $34, who cares? The verdict: TOTES RECOMMENDED!
.... psst:
($90, Sass & Bide, DJPremium.com)
.... psst:

Um, I really like Sass & Bide, but these are just awful and totally remind me of the type of jeans John Goodman wore as TV's Dan Connor on "Roseanne." And what girl wants to wear jeans (especially designer ones) that elicit such horbs associations? Terrible.
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