Saturday, January 31, 2009

Minnie mousey nails

Very cheerful nails that look like minnie mouse! They're done on real nails.

Minnie mousey nails with ribbon on the big thumb.

Minnie mouse french nails.

China Glaze OMG + nail stamping con fiocchi, fiori e macchie a 2 colori!

Lo swatch di oggi riguarda lo smalto

China Glaze - OMG
della collezione OMG

Sono 2 passate di smalto con 1 di top coat.
La foto e' fatta con luce artificiale alogena ed e' perfettamente fedele al colore originale.

Come potete vedere da questa foto e dalle seguenti questo e' uno smalto olografico con base argento.
E' bellissimo e di grande effetto e dà il meglio di se sotto la luce del sole dove le particelle olografiche creeranno un arcobaleno sulle vostre unghie(cliccate sulla foto che segue per vedere l'effetto).

Nota dolente e' la stesura che non risulta per nulla agevole e crea molto facilmente delle striature di smalto ripassando con il pennello su parti appena smaltate.
Insomma sì, e' liquissimo ma attenzione a quando lo passate o rischiate di avere delle zone di unghia mal coperte dallo smalto.

Questo smalto come tutti gli altri della collezione OMG funziona anche con il nail stamping della Konad ma, attenzione, esclusivamente con gli smalti scuri...sul chiaro non si vede assolutamente nulla a meno che non puntiate una luce sulle vostre unghie...a questo punto la parte olografica si renderà visibile.
Parlando della durata ahime' altra nota dolente...

Dopo un giorno ha iniziato a spizzarsi...fino a cadere letteralmente a pezzi sulla mia mano destra al terzo l'ho tolto perche' mentre la mano sinistra era ancora perfetta la destra era invedibile...

Ovviamente ho fatto anche qui qualche esperimento di Nail Stamping anche con 2 colori diversi sullo stesso disegno ed ecco a voi i risultati...

Ovviamente anche la foto della macchia e' un disegno fatto con il nail stamping non fatevi ingannare!!! ;-)
Che ve ne pare?

Street Style Induced Salivation

In the spirit of Goldilocks Tommy described the above look to be 'just rrright' and declared his intent to invest in a low cut pair of monochrome dr. martens. I've not owned a pair of DMs for about fifteen years now but I have enjoyed the brands (relatively) recent resurgence and have appreciated their collaborative work over the last few years. On this old school favourite, today's Guardian magazine stated that 'even Raf Simons can't persuade us on this 80s come back trend. Shoes for sixth form sulking and nowt else' - the magazine is a joy to read but I frequently disagree with their style content and I shake my head at their words once again.

The above shot demonstrates that the somewhat clumpy shoes can look good, albeit helped by the cuffed jean styling and a truly beautiful, slightly distressed bag. I want, nay need, that bag. Once again a street style blog has offered me more inspiration and reason to salivate over my keyboard...I think I will have to make the 'Street Style Induced Salivation' a regular feature because it is happening to me all too often lately.

The (Forgotten) Art of Wardrobe Building

Each day during this cold, mostly grey month of January, Valet have brought us a new tip, trick or tool to ensure that 2009 is the year we up your game on the looking-good and living-well well as providing inspiration for the odd post or two (my favourite being our personal uniform post). On day twenty eight the chaps at Valet have reminded me of the need to both purge and organise my wardrobe. Susie is constantly picking my clothes off the back of chairs and rehanging them within the wrinkle free safe haven which she goes on to inform me is called 'the wardrobe' before muttering more words under her breath. I am guilty of preferring to have my clothes close to hand rather than hanging in a wardrobe. My method of getting dressed in the morning doesn't even require the opening of a door or drawer because I have what I need on the back of my trusty chair...Of course, I do have a wardrobe and it is full of clothes but I just prefer to have my favourite pieces out on show...much to the bemusement and annoyance of Susie...Through a combination of this nagging and the looming threat coming from EJ (who takes a great amount of glee from informing me that she is going to rummage through my wardrobe in a mere two weeks time) it is about time that I spent an afternoon folding, ironing, arranging and charity shop bagging. Upon looking through our archive it came to my attention that it was about this time last year that we dedicated a post to salvaging wardrobes...a lot has changed over the course of the last year and it is certainly time to attack that wardrobe of mine all over again.

The Valet advice is threefold:

1) Take a visual survey and pull out the pieces you haven't worn in the past year. If it doesn't fit or you don't plan on wearing in the next couple of months, toss it.
I certainly need to do this and think a small bag at the very least will be dropped off at a nearby Charity Shop next week..

2) Look at your shoes. Dump the beat up sneakers you don't even wear to the gym, and take worn-out wing tips to be resoled. Now might be a good time to replace affordable standbys. I have at least pair of shoes which needs to be resoled, new year, new sole.

3) If there are seasonal items you'd like to keep, but are done wearing, take them to the cleaner and have them boxed for storage.
Is anyone this organised? This might be a step too far for me...

Methinks it is time to grow up and after purging my wardrobe, I will continue the pursuit of building the perfect wardrobe. I have been inspired by reading the E. Tautz website (after being pointed in it's direction by A Continuous Lean). This of course will not entail me taking hold of a hammer and a bag of nails but instead will require the thoughtful and measured collection of sartorial pieces...given the current world situation, I think it is the perfect time to advocate astute shopping. It is time to treat the wardrobe as more than a mere piece of furniture which I barely use. I will leave you with inspiring words from E. Tautz and I will purge the wardrobe...mañana.

The art of wardrobe building is not fast or haphazard; instead it is developed and nurtured over time. A mans wardrobe may rather eloquently tell the story of his life less ordinary.
Warm Summer Dreams

As the day outside is getting colder, I can't get warmer weather out of my head. Summer can't arrive fast enough.

Source: tfs

Friday, January 30, 2009

Famous With Fingernails - 1


Mary de la Nicole Richie fashion si JMC de la Victoria Beckham style mi-au acordat unul dintre cele mai populare premii printre bloggeri : premiul "Your blog is fabulous".
Huge thanks ladies!

Eu trebuie sa:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which you think are fabulous.
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.
Blogurile pe care eu le consider FABULOASE sunt:
So fash'on
Carola's musings
Style diary
Song os style
Choo's box
Fashion in my eyes

Expo Ideal Mariaj

In perioada 30, 31 ianuarie-1 februarie 2009 are loc Expo Ideal Mariaj, expozitie organizata de revista Ideal Mariaj.
Expo Ideal Mariaj se prezinta sub forma celui mai mare eveniment de profil de pe piata romaneasca, organizat pe o suprafata desfasurata de aproximativ 7000 mp. Expozitia se afla deja la cea de-a patra editie si isi propune sa ofere solutii complete pentru ca ziua nuntii sa fie transformata intr-un eveniment de vis si organizarea acesteia sa beneficieze de optiunea de a alege dintre cele mai bune agentii specializate in domeniu.
Peste 130 de firme participante, de la case de moda si de bijuterii, echipe de stilisti de la saloane de frumusete, firme de design floral, agentii organizatoare, case de productie audio & video, companii de inchirieri limuzine, agentii de turism, pana la scoli de dans.
Expo Ideal Mariaj se adreseaza atat viitorilor miri, persoanelor implicate in organizarea unei nunti, cat si oamenilor de afaceri cu interes in industrie. Cei care vor trece pragul Expo Ideal Mariaj vor putea afla care sunt ultimele tendinte in materie de rochii de mireasa si costume de mire, bijuterii, machiaj si coafura, invitatii si marturii, aranjamente florale, cadouri, destinatii pentru luna de miere.
Revista Ideal Mariaj a pregatit pentru cele trei zile ale expozitiei, un program special, care va cuprinde o prezentare de moda, cu scop umanitar sustinuta de vedete autohtone, demonstratii de machiaj si dans sportiv, mini-concerte sustinute de artisti precum Andreea Antonescu, Elena, Anna Lesko, Lavinia, Lili Sandu, Niko, Haiducii, Morosanu, Distincto sau Anes.
Programul de vizita al Expo Ideal Mariaj este urmatorul:
Vineri - sambata (30 - 31.01.2009): 10:00 - 19:00
Duminica (01.02.2009): 10:00 - 16:00
Pret bilet: 10 ron.

Rihanna Rocks Stephen Webster Earrings At Pepsi Smash

You were probably too busy noticing her bizarro prosthetic legs, but I am harts-ing the earrings Rihanna wore to the Pepsi Smash Super Bowl Bash.

They're by Stephen Webster from the "Shattered" silver collection. Downside: not downturn-friendly at $590. Oh wells.

Image via LoveBScott

Creative Photography by Markku Lahdesmaki

Markku Lahdesmaki began his photographic journey around the neighborhoods of his hometown of Tampere, Finland. This quiet industrial city supplied Markku with inspiration and passion. And together with these forces of creativity in hand, Markku began harvesting the world for images.

After roaming high and low and through all the corners of the world, Markku landed in the tropical wonderland of Southern California. In California, Markku would set up camp and enjoy excursions on his Vespa, while hunting down endangered species, odd faces and unique perspectives with his camera.