Friday, December 3, 2010

Catrice Week [Day 6]

Hello everyone! I hope everyone's having a good day so far. Today after my class, I'm stuck in the library because I was supposed to work but got someone to cover for me thinking my bf didn't have work. After I gave away the shift, I found out he has work & I told my parents I'd be at work so now I'm taking the time to study since final exams are coming! Oh no the horror! :( I must break into nerd mode. But I will be able to post tomorrow to finish off Catrice week but the posts will come out a little slowly after that. I have some recent mani's to show you and I'm trying to think creatively on new nail art for my mani's. Hopefully it'll come to me!

Without further stalling, here's Catrice Week Day 6.

Catrice London's Weather Forecast
greyed blue with shimmer. 2 coats and 1 coat of top coat. Another one of my favorites because I feel like the shimmer makes it so different from other grays.

hope you enjoyed,

P.S. There will be a giveaway when I hit either 250/300 followers, depending on whether I have enough money to pay for the giveaway prize. What giveaway items do you suggest? I'm open to ideas & I'll see what I can get! :D

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