Wednesday, September 9, 2009

10 Bloggers and 10 Random Things!

Hey everyone! I was tagged by the wonderful Lambchop Mobile to do this tag. Enjoy!

1. I was born asleep at 6 in the morning. I have never been much of a morning person...
2. I have always lived in the US, but I have lived in Oregon (born there and came back later), Connecticut/New York, Utah, and Idaho.
3. I attend university out-of-state, so I live in two states.
4. I used to be one of the most anti-beauty people out there and now I am obsessed!
5. My biggest pet peeve is tardiness.
6. My favorite food is Kit Kats.
7. I have been dating my boyfriend for ten months to the day!
8. My favorite band is the Goo Goo Dolls.
9. I study engineering at university.
10. I HATE being cold.

Now I am going to tag 10 bloggers; if you have already been tagged I'm sorry! If you haven't been tagged go ahead and do one anyway!

Project Polish
Nails by Rachel
A Polish Problem
Dizzy Nails
Nail'd and Polish'd
Nail Polish Fever

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