Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Start of Something Fantastic!

I want to transform my nail blog into a blog, that not only includes nail polish and nail art, but I'd like to incorporate more beauty and fashion things that I like also. I hope this doesn't bore anyone.

But like Forever21, who has something called "Fabulous Finds," I decided to create somthing similar to that but I call it "Fantastic Finds," where I will post about things I find that are at a great price or something fantastic that I'd like to share with everyone.

nail polish picture credit to: http://www.duggal.com/connect/fashion/fashion-fact-17
which I found via Google 
My first fantastic find includes 3 things. The first is a bottle of hot pink nail art. They mostly sell for $1.50 or more but I was able to find this Mattese Elite for $1! They sell these at Ricky's and their regular price for both nail art and nail polish is $5.99! That's outrageous for nail art to be $5.99!! Sadly, it was the only color available on sale.
My second and third fantastic find is 2 loose eyeshadows from Forever21 which I got for $0.99 each!! They retail $2.80 normally but I dug and found the white one. The one on the left is called Emerald City and the one on the right is called White Sparkle. I think I might use it sometimes to franken too :)

Hope you enjoyed my first post of Fantastic Finds and please let me know your opinion on this topic. :)
& of course, happy polishing!

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